Rock Your School Day

Rock Your School Day
Posted on 09/24/2018
Rock Your School DayRock your school day
Rock Your School Day
Rock your school day
Rock your school day is a nationwide initiative to get students engaged in the classroom with fun and engaging lessons to make teachers think outside the box to create the most engaging lessons possible. What if we could get EVERY student in EVERY classroom to love to learn?  It’s a tall order, but possible when we GIVE our students a reason to get excited about learning!  Let’s ROCK out for our students! 

On September 20, 2018, thousands of educators from around the world joined together to ROCK YOUR SCHOOL!  All educators were encouraged to join the movement and create an outside-the-box educational experience for your students.  

How do we capture students’ attention? Do something different! Stretch yourself! Challenge your instructional practices!  Find a way to deliver your ordinary content in an extraordinary way.  Let’s show the world what education looks like in our schools. More importantly, let’s show our students that school is a place they WANT to be each and every day!